Cut & Bend

Cut & Bend

Traditionally, steel reinforcements are fabricated at the construction site by using manually operated machines. This type of operation is not suitable for fast track jobs due to high wastage, space constraint, and demanding time and labour requirements.

Amsteel Mills’ Cut & Bend Section assumes the role of a comprehensive “One Stop Services Centre” providing every solution to meet clients’ steel supply needs. This includes steel bars which are cut and bent as well as of stock length.

Equipped with modern machinery of advanced technology for cutting and bending of steel, our Cut & Bend Section is able to produce at high capacity with automation which results in shorter delivery lead times and higher accuracy in profiled dimensions.

The Cut & Bend operations are managed by a team of experienced management and technical staff with competency and expertise in the following areas:

  • Technical: Detailing and On-site Coordination
  • Fabrication Work
  • Delivery and Logistics

The Bar Bending schedules are prepared by highly qualified and experienced engineers. The participatory and integrative nature of Amsteel Mills team’s involvement with clients’ daily operations ensure responsive and proactive services rendered to clients which will enhance the overall effectiveness and efficiency of their operations.

Cut & Bend advantages
  • Cost-savings with complete control over steel wastage
  • Huge savings in time
  • Work smarter with less labour on site
  • Better utilisation of space on site
  • Better management of steel on site
  • Exact dimensions with computer-assisted production
  • Exact production and delivery schedules
The following technical services are offered
  • Analysing of structural drawings
  • Preparation of cutting and bending schedules from consultants or contractor – approved drawings
  • Obtaining approvals for the cutting and bending schedules
  • Preparation of summary and detailed breakdown of quantity supplied for client’s verification on a monthly basis
  • Attending site progress meetings if applicable
  • Preparing site delivery schedule based on master programme