Winning Strategies

The growth and expansion of our operations is fuelled by a successful combination of human talents, industrial advancements, modern technology and commitment to quality.

Winning Strategies
Compliance With International Standards

Great emphasis is placed on research and development to constantly upgrade our operations as a manufacturer of quality products, as well as to better fulfil the current and future needs of our customers. A stringent Quality Assurance Programme from raw materials to finished products ensures the quality of our products, which are manufactured to International Standards such as JIS, ASTM, DIN, BS, EN, DNV and etc. We are the first steel mill in Malaysia to be awarded the British Standard BS 4449.

Winning Strategies
Human Resource Development

Employing advanced technologies, intensifying research & development, enhancing employee skills and developing the organisation’s core competencies are on-going measures to entrench our position as a leading steel manufacturer of quality bars and wire rods. Recognizing the importance of our human resource, the career development of our staff remains a priority. Various training programmes are arranged for all levels of staff to upgrade their skills and help them achieve their full potential within Lion Group’s continuous learning environment.

Winning Strategies
Collaboration With Downstream Industries

We are committed to work with our customers and downstream manufacturers to enhance their competitiveness. Through our technical support programme, we are assisting the downstream industries to jointly develop their products and to export. Visits by our technical team to customers’ factories, and constant dialogue with end-users provide the necessary feedback for us to cater to their requirements and develop new grades for the industry to grow.

Winning Strategies
Caring For The Environment

While emphasising on technology and industry development, we are mindful of the need to protect the environment.

Amsteel Mills complies with the environmental laws and regulations governing the steel industry in the country, and have invested substantially in a state-of-the-art Dedusting System with Baghouse and Automatic Drive Control System.